Saturday, December 11, 2010

#203 Day 2 of the Holly Jolly hop


Welcome to Day 2 of the Holly Jolly Hop if you are here from
Margie: then you are in the right spot. If you just started the hop and would like to start from the beginning please head over to Stephanie Always Crafting. We are so excited to show everyone our 2nd gift idea projects and I am so happy that Stephanie and Jess have invited me to be part of their amazing hop. I hope that everyone was able to get inspired by all the wonderful projects from DAY 1, if you would like more inspiration and you would like to win some more candy feel free to scroll down a few posts here on my blog. 

For my 2nd project I made a Christmas Ornament to hang on a bottle of Sparking Blueberry Grape Cider that I found at Walmart for $2.50. I thought it had such a pretty blue and silver combo so I just had to buy it and make a gift out of it! First I cut the snowflake from Accent Essentials on cereal chipboard, and on white cardstock then I put the snowflake in my Xyron sticker machine upside down and poured MS (tinsel) glitter over it. I punch a hole at the top and put some blue ribbon through it to make an ornament. I put a small strip of ATG adhesive to the silver ribbon and it stuck to the bottle. I put a blue glittery bell ornament (from Big Lots set of 12) and put my snowflake ornament on the ribbon. I then tied a knot to make my faux bow, Since I am not gifted in the bow department LOL! I think this came out very pretty and expensive looking too! Some other ideas you can do is make one with a wine bottle, pre-made cocktails, or liquor!

Here's my blue glitter bell

Here's a close-up of my tinsely snowflake oooh ahhh! (Martha Stewart)

Now for some CANDY! I am giving away a set of designer brads, and an 18pc set of flowers from Making Memories. All you have to do is LEAVE A COMMENT and tell me if you have ever experienced a WHITE CHRISTMAS!

Please make sure you leave a comment on all stops of the HOP because we have some amazing Grand Prizes! Today we are sponsored by Sarah Pink Cricut with one of her stamp sets!

Now onto the next stop or click on the picture


  1. I have always dreamed of a White Christmas, but here in North Carolina it is very rare. I don't remember but one in my 30 years of life.

    I love your project!

  2. OOOh that blue and silver is gorgeous! A white Christmas? Grew up in Chicago. We had LOTS of them! Miss it now, though. xxD

  3. Sandra, I love your project. I think it is great that you can take a gift and add a personal touch to it. Makes it that much more special. Thank you for joining us in the blog hop. I am so behind on my blog hopping, I need to check out your other projects from your other hop. I have been so busy working on FIF project, and this blog hop project. I don't want you to think I am neglecting you:)
    Thanks again for joining in on the hop.


  4. This is so cute. I have to remember to save my cereal boxes to use for chipboard. What a great gift idea!

  5. ooh! I love your blue glitter bell!
    We lived in Ohio for a few yrs and always had a white Christmas. But now we are in the south and never see snow! boo!

    desaucier at bellsouth dot net

  6. Love all the glitter! Very nice! (And yep, usually a white Christmas every year, growing up in Ohio and now living in Massachusetts.)

  7. this turned out sooo cute. love the colors.

  8. Being a fan of the color blue and a huge fan of snowflakes, I love this! I'm gonna look for this Cider next time I'm @ WM.
    I've only had 2 White Christmases (and I'm twice your age.)

  9. I LOVE the decorated bottle! SO PRETTY! Yes, I have experienced a white Christmas almost every year of my life! It is beautiful but it is also cold, wet, and it's alot of work shoveling! :)
    booger1 at

  10. What a delightful gift idea - just lovely!

  11. Really cute idea


  12. Great project! Love the snowflake :)

    Yes, I have experienced a white Christmas many times.. we get snow here all the time in the winter. Temps get below zero. I really wished I lived somewhere warmer!!

    phenis2031 at yahoo dot com

  13. This is beautiful! Great way to spice up a plain old bottle. I always went back home to Hawaii when I lived in Colorado so I never got to experience a white Christmas. Then again, it was probably sunny on Christmas day there.

    spunkycrayon at yahoo dot com

  14. Another great gift ideal, your snowflake is so pretty! TFS

  15. Great gift idea! Love the snowflake you made. It's very pretty. Thanks for sharing.

    coupondenise at live dot com

  16. This is so cute! I love all the glitter! I grew up in Wisconsin so I have experienced MANY white Christmas's!! Thanks for the chance to win!
    ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com

  17. Great idea..... Every christmas is a white christmas for me (unless I go on vacation)

  18. I love that tinsel glitter, I've not ever heard of that before. Very cute and I hope that I'm on the right comment form, but looking at your other creations, I LOVE the idea of the chocolate box! Very special for a special person!

  19. Love the snowflake!! TFS these neat ideas...Yes on the White Christmas..I have had many..I live in Ohio..hopefully this year will be a white Christmas.

    Hugs, Sheena
    slynne1 at gmail dot com

  20. Great project, love the idea!

    scrapperbecka at yahoo dot com

  21. What a great the glittery snowflake, it would look great on any gift!! TFS

    Yes, I have experienced a white Christmas (many times through the years since I grew up in the NE).


  22. It turned out fabulous and does look very elegant and expensive, this would be a great hostess gift!! Thanks for inspiring!!

  23. Living in Minnesota all my life, every year is a white Christmas. Great idea on decorating up a bottle.

  24. I haven't seen or tried the MS tinsel glitter before but the way it looks on your snowflake makes me want to search for it and give it a try. Your decorated bottle is very pretty, I love the ornamant that you added. This is a great gift idea. Thank you for sharing your project and informing me about this tinsel glitter.

    Marianne S.
    sthquilter at gmail dot com

  25. wonderful way to dress up a bottle. Really cute!

    I live in Florida and the only White Christmas I see is on the beach, LOL!


  26. This does look really expensive! It's so pretty. This would also make a great hostess gift for all of those Christmas parties! As for a white Christmas... I have experienced one but the snow didnt really stick. We usually don't see snow for real until January. That's when we get feets of the white fur and the salt trucks come out. :)

  27. The blue and silver are gorgeous together and the glitter gives it such a festive appeal! Great project! I live in New York, so I've experienced many a white Christmas!

  28. love the blue and silver. i grew up in michigan so i have had tons of white christmas's. i been in fl 15 years and miss it so much .

  29. This is so cute! Love the glitter bell! My cousin or new cousin, loves wine! My cousin just married her in sept! I have 32 guy cousins we are all very close and they are starting to give me girl cousins, hehe now I am excited to give girlie gifts to them! YAY for day 2! I've experienced many white christmas's I live in Jersey and we always get snow and luckly around the holiday's!

  30. Your gift looks great! I have had white Christmases... usually ice but sometimes snow.

  31. LOVE the bottle!! I have lived in Chicago all of my life so yes~ I have experienced White Christmases :)

  32. I love the bottle. What a nice gift. I have had white Christmases but I really don't recall many. We would get snow right before or after but not on Christmas Day but the few times we did get a White Christmas it just made it that more special.

  33. Classy looking treatment for a gift bottle of wine or bubbly. Love it. Yes, we usually do have a white Christmas. It is very white right now and hope it stays that way. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win.

  34. very nice, i am from kentucky so i saw alot when i was little. but live in florida now ,so no more.
    Ann W

  35. I love your clever and creative stocking stuffer. The bottle looks so "gifty" all dressed up with a bell and snowfake. I have only experienced one white Christmas. That was in 1956 when my husband was stationed in New Jersey. I was raised and now live in CA where we are having a winter heat wave. It is suppose to be 88 here today. Love blog candy. {Hugs} Peggy
    Stampnmore at aol dot com

  36. Love how you decorated the bottle. I have experienced a white christmas every year. I think it would be hard to say when I haven't. I live in Michigan

  37. Very elegant way to dress up a bottle. Love the idea and am going to try this soon.

    Precious Hugs

  38. I love this. These are the colors for my christmas tree. I have experienced many, many white christmases. As I grew up in ohio and then my husband was stationed in nebraska for 7 years. Thank you for sharing.

    dobiemom09 at gmail dot com

  39. LOVE the silver with blue! I am definately going to try this! I grew up in MO and now live in KS so yes I have had MANY white Xmases. Last year was the first xmas with the love of my life. I played the piano for 4pm Xmas even mass and by the time it was over we had to immediately get home as the snow and ice was coming down. We should have been at his parents, but instead we spent the evening snowed in and watching movies. The next morning we slept in and took our time over to his parents. The snow was so high I couldn't even open my front door. We eventually made it and had to dig three people out of the snow along the way. Something about being snowed in the night before made it a great xmas that I will ever forget.
    Becky Higinbothom

  40. Cute idea!
    I'm your newest follower..Would Love it if you could check out my blog.

  41. I love your blue glitter bell!
    Rebecca Minor

  42. Great idea to add that personal touch to a bottle!!! Love it!!! I live in Canada so if we don't get a white Chritmas, there is something wrong with the weather systems!!!!!!!!!! :)
    Thanks for the blog hop, it's been amazing!!
    gaudet5 at rogers dot com

  43. I love the gift idea! I have experienced a white Christmas, but it has been quite a few years! Perhaps this year it will snow again!

  44. Love to dress up bottles. This is so cute. Great gift.

  45. I am glad you used that snowflake.. i love it and didn't even know it was on accent essentials... IT will be a white christmas here.. it is most years here in southwestern ontario... alot of snow here though in the last week...

  46. Love the snowflake and bell! Great gift idea! No White Christmas for me!

  47. This is a great idea! I love the silver and blue combo! I have definately experienced a white Christmas. I grew up and PA and when my husband was in the military we lived in North Dakota and Wyoming. Now we live in NC and don't get much snow at all.


  48. Love the sparkle. I grew up in OH so I did have White Chritmas when I was younger. I live in the South now, so not likely to have a White Chritmas. Although it is colder than usual here.

  49. Great gift idea, I live in the South so no snow likely.

  50. Beautiful gift! Unfortunately I've never experienced a white Christmas; we don't snow in southern CA. Thanks for sharing!
    kmgillon at yahoo dot com

  51. Great snowflake! No white Christmas since moving to Arizona!

  52. Great idea to add some bling! I have experienced a white Christmas several years ago when I went to N. Idaho to visit my son. Where I live now we get teased with light snow but never enough. Thanks for sharing. AJ -

  53. Gorgeous! I have never experienced a white Christmas, since I live in Florida. I hope to one day though!

  54. Loved the snowflake and no White Christmases here in CA!

    dolfnz777 at yahoo dot com

  55. I lived in Michigan for 7 yrs, so we had a few white Christmases...I miss them now that we're back in Florida, but at least we're having some cold weather this year:) Great project by the way!

  56. What a nice and inexpensive gift idea! Oh yes, we have white Christmas practically every year. We are expecting snow tonight and are under a winter weather advisory!

  57. Gorgeous! Love this idea of dressing up a nice bottle of wine!

    Pretty much every year of the 41 I've been on this earth have been a White Christmas! I live in Michigan! They are calling for 6-12" over night!


  58. This is really cute! I never thought to save cereal boxes for chipboard. Thanks for the fabulous idea. White Christmas, we usually have a white Christmas every year in Minnesota. Today we are having a blizzard and the drifts are chest high. We cannot even get down our street without getting stuck in the snow with an all wheel drive vehicle. I hope everyone is enjoying the wonderful holiday season. cmtry 555 at aol dot com.

  59. Love how you decorated the bottle. Blue is such a pretty color. And yes I have experienced a White Christmas several times in my life. And it is such a pretty experience.
    Hugs, Fran

  60. Oh wow, this looks like some expensive non-alcoholic wine you would purchase in a wine shop....It is amazing! I didn't know you could use the Xyron to glitter things. What a cool idea! What size Xyron do you have? Since I live in the mountains of New Mexico, we usually see lots of snow every year. This year, we haven't had any. Dry dry dry! Thank you for sharing all your projects! You rock!

  61. don't remember the years, but living up north the answer is yes, :)

    love the cobalt blue of the bottle and both: the jingle bell and snowflake are to die for :)


  62. Great gift, decorated so darling. Yes I have lived through a few white Christmas's, there truly is nothing like it!

  63. I Love snowflakes - very pretty!!!

  64. Love the bottle!
    I live in Nebraska, so a white Christmas happens just about every year. No snow here yet this year though...hope we get some soon. It doesn't seem like Christmas without it.

  65. Just beautiful! I'm going to have to go find that bottle! I live in upstate New York, right in the snowbelt. Rochester, where I live, is usually the second or third snowiest place in the USA, right behind or before Syracuse and Buffalo. We have about a foot of snow right now, so it looks like it'll be another white Chritmas for us! I'm a follower....

  66. Super Idea!! Love the sparkles on your snowflake!! Have I ever experienced a White Christmas!! I live in southern BC Canada and we do sometimes get snow at Christmas I am always wishing for it and sometimes wishes come true!! But I grew up 350 miles north of here and we always had snow for Christmas.

  67. I really love the bottle! I always love all of your projects! Thank you for sharing!

  68. Sandy
    This is really pretty and elegant looking!!
    Girl, I live in Texas, we dont get much of the white stuff, but I do remember a few white Christmas times. I am already a follower of your blog.
    TFS and a chance to win
    Bonnie C

  69. This is great!! How nice to give someone a bottle and have this cute snowflake on it!! Great gift idea!!

  70. No snow for sad. Someday maybe. Great idea...the bottle looks great.

  71. Awesome!!! Love the colors together. Great job. Oh yeah I've seen White CHRISTmas'. Once was enough LOL but a lot more than one.
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    annadowdy at gmail dot com

  72. Great job. I love that snowflake. Yes, we have a white Christmas quite often. I live in Utah. SNOW! me(at)glorajean(dot)com.

  73. very cool ! TFS

  74. Super duper idea! Thanks!

    Kris in Alaska
    funamom at yahoo dot com

  75. Cute..cute idea!! Yes, I have experienced several White Christmases, in Utah and in Oregon both....loved them as a kid, not sure I would love them as much as an adult that lives in California....

  76. What a great gift idea! So beautifully decorated! I love your glittery snowflake and blue glitter bell! I have seen some white Christmas's. We do get snow here but only a few times a winter.
    sucor_2 at

  77. That is just a very, very cute snowflake. I've got to get that cartridge somehow. We almost always have a white Christmas. But, a few years ago, it got a little too white and it nearly caused us to have to reschedule the gift-giving day and the meal. I already had the ham in the oven, so everyone came over and I nearly had one huge slumber party. Thanks for a chance to win! Kelly

  78. one year christmas day it snowed. Not much of it stayed but it was so pretty and exciting for the kids.
    I love how you decorated the wine bottle. I never know what to do with a bottle when giving it as a hostess gift. Everyone always uses those festive paper bags but once you take it out of the bag it looks like all the other bottles. Attaching something to the bottle itself shows who its from even after its unwrapped. LOVE IT!!!

  79. Very cute idea!!!! Loved the snowflake. Thanks for the blog hop!!

  80. Great idea. I usually have a white christmas.

  81. This was a very creative and beautiful way to decorate the bottle. Looks great!! When I was younger I saw a lot of white Christmases. We lived in Minnesota so we had lots of snow!! In fact we would shovel it to the sides and it would stack up so high that my mom could not see us coming down the sidewalk because it was taller than we were. Now I live in South Carolina so it has been awhile. Maybe this year!!

  82. what a cute project, i really enjoyed it! I am lucky that i grew up on the East Coast and have had many white christmas's growing up.

  83. I love your project! I grew up in NYC so we had a lot of White Christmas' (I will admit hoever that I loved it a lot more then than now!)

  84. OMG that is precious! I love the colors, blue seems so frosty! I grew up in Missouri so we had many white Christmas's. I live in Northern Arizona and we have had one since I have lived here. TFS Susan

  85. Sandra, love the snowflake! You could even use it on the tree as an ornament! The blue bell is very unique! Thanks for sharing your talents! This HOP has been very inspiring!

  86. I almost forgot....I have had one White Christmas in my 50+ years...that was up in Maryland back in the early 70's. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  87. After trying to get it together for the past couple of days, I made it to the end :)
    Thanks for being on this hop. You were great, as always :)
    The snowflake/bell combo makes such a cute tag. It will look great on everything.
    And being a so cal gal, I have not experienced a white christmas. Im preparing for the week of heat thats coming up. Uggghhhh :)

  88. After trying to get it together for the past few days, Ive made it to the end :)
    Thanks for oining us on the hop. you were great, as always. And this snowflake/bell combo tag is super cute. It will work great on any project or gift.
    Being a so cal gal, I have not experienced a white christmas. I dont think I ever will. Im actually preparing for the week of heat that is coming. Uggghhh :)

  89. does white xmas means its snows that day or does it count if the snow has been there and it hasn't melted? LOL!!!! for sure the second one.

    love the tinsel!!!

    -- dalis
    alidalis AT comcast DOT net

  90. Just love the glittery snowflake...and yes we have had some lovely white christmas'

  91. Love the blue bottle and the glittery snowflake and bell!!! Just beautiful!!! I have had a white Christmas when I lived in New Mexico long ago!!


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