Sunday, January 2, 2011

#2 Dog Layout

Hi everyone today is the first challenge of the New Year over at Paper Playtime. Since I am on Team 1, we were asked to create a project using faces. My main face of course was my dog named Boots...AKA Littlefoot! Yep he has to names. We originally named him Littlefoot and then for some reason my hubby started calling him Boots and it just stuck!

All of the paper I used for my layout is from the DCVW Pet Stack I love that stack, I am still looking for cute dog paper so if you see any out there tell me where to buy it! The font and tag are both from All Mixed Up. I stamped the dog face on the stamp and hand wrote the sentiment. I found the sentiment from my Quotes book so I can't say that was an original LOL! I also stamped the red paper with a stamp that says "Woof" and I stamped it several times to make my own patterned paper. I put some bone brads on the corner of the pic. I also stamped the green paper that has the paw print and cut it out, it looks like a dogs seal of approval LOL! All of the little words on top are all cut out from the Pets Stack patterend paper. Please make sure you enter in the Paper Playtime "Faces" challenge. We are sponored by Peachy Keen Stamps!!

Please check back later this afternoon to see if you are the winner of the 2 blog hops I was in. If you would like to continue the hops please scroll down.


  1. Very cute layout! Those bone brads are adorable!

  2. Oh he is adorable. Love the LO...cute!

  3. LOVE IT sandra!!!! I just bought a paper pack called Park Buddies from SEI and it is beautiful!!! and that DCWV is the cutest!!!!

  4. What a cute l.o! I love what you did with the stamping! The tags are just fabulous!! Which quote book do you use? I'm sure it comes in handy!!
    Nice job!!

  5. Boots is adorable, love the LO and that sentiment on that tag, awesome!!

  6. What an adorable puppy! I love animals! Great layout! Dina

  7. Boots is so huggable! GREAT page!! :) Janis

  8. How adorable Boots is! Awesome layout!! :)

  9. Your dog is adorable and ,of course, your layout is pretty awesome also.

  10. I love this page, so cute. What a cute dog! I have the DCWV stack to and use is all time time. I willl have to check out the challenge.

  11. CUTE DOG!!! This is a cute layout.


  12. Cute LO and what a cute furry face! :)

  13. What a cute layout and OMG what an adorable pup!!! TFS

  14. He is soo cute!! I love the layout too. Not too long ago I bought some pet themed paper at Big Lots. If you have one near you you might want to check it out. I got my pack for only $5. I'm having 30 days of Disney on my blog. If you can, stop by and let me know what you think. :)


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