Friday, January 28, 2011

#24 Celebrating Our Milestone's Blog Hop


Hello everyone welcome the the fabulous Celebrating Our Milestone's Blog Hop hosted by Yolie from JUST Yolie. If you are here from Gaby's blog Gaby Creates then you are in the right spot. If you just arrived here and would like to start from the beginning please head over to Yolie's Blog HERE. Yolie asked us all to make either a scrapbook layout or a mini album to Celebrate's Life's Milestone's. I was so super excited when she asked me to join in her hop because I knew I instantly that I wanted to make a house mini album for my home. I always dreamed of being a homeowner one day, I would even tell my friends my goals in High School and I would always say that I wanted to buy a house by the time I was 25 years old, well I did it and I was exactly 25!! I felt so accomplished and to this day I still can not believe that my hubby and I are homeowner's. We got so lucky when we found this house because it had everything we were looking for (including a Scrapbook room!) and this was our #1 choice house and the bank said "Yes" to our offer!

Since I was unable to get my picture's developed in time here is a photo of our dream home!

Okay now onto my Mini album.....(I bought the Mini Album chipboard base from a Scrapbook Expo so I do not know the brand of the Mini Album)

This Mini album took me 8 hours to complete I think the end result was way better than I ever imagined it to be I am very satisfied. Now I just need to add some pictures and journaling in it. Enjoy!

Top close up view. I stamped the title sentiment on paper then layered on cereal box chipboard 4x times to make it really thick! Prima flowers, brads and large black and white metal flower(making memories),  silver butterfly-jewlery from Michaels', black bling, black sequin ribbon, black lace, black Acrylic Paint on every single page in book. All papers are from Michael's K& CO.

Left side, furry type of black ribbon, felt flowers from Michael's $1 bin, Making Memories metal tag. Right side, tag, black embroidery floss, fabric flower attached to patterend paper to make a pocket. Butterfly from MS punch and gray brad.

The Photo mat comes out, I can do my journaling on the back of it. I added bling to the photo mat, but you can't really see it.

Left side blank for photo. Right side, black Stickles, ric-rac, journaling "Dreams"tag, I plan on writing my future dreams, and plans for my house, for example my thoughts on my plans for my back yard I want a balcony, a pool, and a garden. The black flower  and brad is Making Memories, the white flower is a flower from the Wedding section at the Dollar store! 

I love this page! Especially the butterfly! I used a Tim Holtz fragment along with Crackle to make the Charm.

Pearls and bling!

Here you can see my handmade charm and roses from the Forever Young Cricut Cartridge. I did some inking and added a pearl.

Left side added a photo mat, felt flowers, lace and metal corner embellishments from Making Memories. Right side, lace, ribbon, brad and Prima Flower.

Back Cover.

Side view of awesome yumminess LOL!

Sandra, THAT'S ME!
Robin, NEXT

Now onto my Blog Candy, I will be giving away this Autumn Leaves Flower stamp to one lucky follower all you have to do is tell me "What Is Your Milestone?"

Thank you all for taking the time to hop with us today your NEXT STOP is ROBIN


  1. Indeed being a homeowner is a milestone. I love your mini book! Love the color combo and your handmade creative!

  2. I love the mini album. You did an amazing job on it. I would have to say my milestone is finally marrying the love of my life. It only took us 14 yrs to get there but we finally did it and I couldn't be happier. He is my soul mate.

  3. How exciting for you Sandra-- Awesome job on your album!!! and one of my milestones was my education! Gaby

  4. Absoutely beautiful album

  5. Great mini-album! Milestone for my life - would have to say being married to my HS sweetheart for 32 years.

  6. GORGEOUS!! The detail is amazing!! ONE of my many milestones is getting the help my son needs. He got accepted into preschool.. after ALOT of heart ache, testing, trials and tribulations. He has came a long way and I couldn't be happier.


  7. You have a very nice dream home and the mini album is beautiful.

  8. Congratulations on the purchase of your first home, that is a big accomplishment!! I love the mini album, the colors and the butterflies. Thanks for sharing. I do not have the forever young cart, need to add it to my wish list.

    dbjb1519 at yahoo dot com

  9. your house is gorgeous! Both the real and the album. my milestone would be the same as yours! i despise renting lol. congrats on meeting yours by the "deadline" hehe

  10. Yes owning a home is a milestone congrats very nice mini!

  11. I Love your mini album!! Congrats on meeting your milestone! My milestone is getting all my kids through college!! My youngest will graduate soon!!

  12. Beautiful house! This mini album is pretty. Love all the d/p and the embellish. My milestone is having 2 children after 10 yrs of marriage. They are in good health and everyday making me a proud mom. Thanks for sharing, Zulma.

  13. I was just stopping by to leave ya some love, and now I found out I can go hoppin'! <3 Yolie is awesome! Congrats on being part of her hop! Your mini is YUMMY! BTW... I use that word ALL the time! heheh I think it's adorable you use that to describe stuff too! <3 *hugz*

  14. Beautiful home Robin! I would LOVE a scrap room, and so would my fam, then they might be able to eat In the dinning room! LOL! Your mini album is great, I eally like the colors, TFS!

  15. Love the album, I've been following for awhile, and you're at the top of my bookmarked blogs!

  16. Aww , very nice mini album, I like the house shape :)

    My lastest milestone is having my 5 yr old start school this year, goes by too fast.

  17. What a beautiful album


  18. I love your mini album that is awesome. My milestone well let's see going out of my comfort zone and doing a card that made me use some techniques I had not done before. Like make paper flowers..mine never turn out took me forever to do a rose! But I got it made and the card sent!

  19. I love making a mini album and have been wanted to make on for our home. YOu have me thinking and perhaps scraplifting an idea! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com

  20. Wow.............I love your book...........and your choice of colors. Great job.
    My milestone was to finally find and marry the love of my life. It is never too late.........and there is someone out there for everyone

  21. What an awesome milestone! Love your dream house too!!! Congrats home-owner! :) My milestone would be 3 to be exact....all 3 of my beautiful babies! :) Thanks for showing your fantastic mini! Love it! :)

    kmbrlysue22 at yahoo dot com

  22. Love it!!! Love all the details and colors! My milestone was also my education! BA, MA and teaching credentials!!! hey I am even ready for another MA!!

  23. beautiful album,beautiful home. Congrats


  24. Congratulations on your new home!! You must be so excited! Can't wait to see what you do with your scraproom, please share.

    Your mini book is awesome, i love the color combos and all he cut-out layering.

    I just became a follower today.

    Please check out my blog (I'm a beginner blogger) and follow if you'd like.

  25. What a gorgeous album! I really need to try and make some of these, I'm thinking Christmas!

    I am a new follower! TFS!

    becky.mayhewlear AT gmail DOT com

  26. A beautiful album Thank you for sharing.

  27. Hi Sandra
    First Congrats for your new house, wow! a big house.
    So pretty mini album, love it!
    Thanks for the chance to Win.
    Good Luck!!


  28. Your house is beautiful! Thank you for sharing your mini book.

  29. Amazing job on this mini-album! My milestone is the day we adopted our daughter!
    Jean-Marie: jms822 at yahoo dot com

  30. Sandra - you are everywhere on the internet! LOL You have totally out-done yourself with this mini album. I mean OMFunness! It's GORGEOUS! Completely GORGEOUS! I love the way the heart is a cutout on the outside showing the sentiment on the first page. WOW!!!!! My milestone? BEING RETIRED! Love you, girlie!! :) Janis here's my email in case you lost it LOL

  31. Great mini album and thanks for sharing. Congrats on your first house. That truly is a milestone. I am a follower. patnbobcuddy at gmail dot com

  32. Best of luck in your new home! It looks just beautiful! Love your mini album! Hugs! Dina

  33. My milestone was to graduate from college. I did this as a "nontraditional" student, I was 32!

    nginerd at gmail dot com

  34. Your mini album is lovely!! Great job!
    Like your house too :)

    postaisdajoana at gmail dot com

  35. Beautiful home and at a fantastic scrapbook for the pictures. I've never seen anything quite like!

  36. Beautiful house, Congratulations!!! Very lovely mini-album, Great colors!!!

  37. what a great mini album. and congrats on being a home owner. and thanks for a chance to win too.

  38. Very pretty mini album. Our milestone is when we started our business.

  39. This album is stunning. All of the details are wonderful. I love the black inking around teh ends. TFS and the chance to win.

    Christel (Scrappin' Sista)
    askscrappinsista (at) hotmail (dot) com

  40. Love your mini book, My miles stone for this year was to find a area so I could crop since I cant get upstairs to my studio any more... My husband helped set up in the corner area of our living room and dining room... Dawn RI

  41. Such a great album! My milestone would have to be raising the family I dreamed of when I was young!

  42. I love, love, love your mini-album. The colors are great and all the flowers and bling are fantastic.

    My milestone would be paying off the mortgage in 2009. As great a feeling as the day we moved in.

    vwilson577 at

  43. Your book is fantastic, a wonderful way to celebrate home-ownership! My milestone (there are so many, hubby, kids, home, education...)but right now I am happy to have my master's degree complete,(and almost paid for) and two of three kids in college (the third is still in HS)

  44. I'm participating in this blog hop and was glad to see another mini-album. Luv it! Chunky and beautiful!

  45. Congratulation, that is awesome. Once you get settled in your new home please show us your scrap space. Love your album too!. My milestone is being married 44 yrs this year to the love of my life and soul mate. We are still happily in love.

  46. Your mini album is beautiful! My milestone is when we started our new business! Thanks for sharing.

  47. Congrats on achieving your goal! Mine is also to one day be a home owner :)
    dolphingab at gmail dot com

  48. Love the mini. My milestone was getting my Master's.

  49. Love your Mini House Album!! It is super Cute!! My bigest milestone was not to long ago I got caught up on my only Granddaughters scrapbook!! Now I am getting ready for a new Grandson in feb!! TFS!!!
    ilovetonkinese2 at hotmail dot com

  50. Your album is beautiful and so is your house. Congrats on being a homeowner. My milestone is to lose weight and get fit this year.

  51. What a cool project! Love the mini album. Congrats on your milestone! Current milestone of mine is having both my girls graduate from school and be financially independent. Enjoyed my first hop, thank you!

  52. first things first...congrats on making one of your deams come true! your album is so pretty too!
    liz :o)

  53. Wow how did I get to follow my daughter - love your mini - too cute - my milestone would be teaching 38 years in the same school and just retiring! TFS!
    Mama LoveBug from LoveBug Creations
    pam_lash at yahoo dot com

  54. OMG, that album is amazing! Love the colors and all the great embellishments you used! My most recent milestone was starting my blog!
    XO ~ Amy Jo (follower)
    amyjrockstar at gmail dot com

  55. Your album is beyond beautiful!! My milestone would be the birth of my boys who were just 10 in December.

  56. I absolutely LOVE this mini-album!!! We live in the same neck of the woods, too; I live at Camp Pendleton in Oceanside. Thanks for participating in the blog hop and offering blog candy!


  57. I posted a comment about your album and some thanks but COMPLETELY forgot to tell you my milestone! I actually have a couple of milestones. The first would be having the courage to leave my ex-husband and marry the love of my life. It was the best thing I ever did! The second would be giving birth to two wonderful boys!

  58. I love mini albums and what a great way to remember buying a new home or putting things in for your dream home. I love what you did with the album. great job.

  59. Well, I posted a comment but forgot to put my milestone. Now I don't see the original comment; however, my milestone is my children and grandchildren - the absolute loves of my life

  60. What an awesome job you did, love all the detail!! 1 of my milestones is seeing my son graduate from college, I know it is his milestone but as a parent it is ours too!!
    miller896042at bellsouth dot net

  61. COngratulations on the house - awesome work! I love the "house" album. It's so cute and the colors are great!

  62. I absolutely love your mini album..wish you could teach me how to make's gorgeous!
    My mile stone would have to be my family I love my husband and kids so much..
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    I think you should make the winner a mini album..they are just gorgeous..

  63. my milestone is my kids & owning a home.

    love love love this album. thanks for sharing.

  64. What a beautiful home and such a gorgeous album. How awesome that you were able to meet your goal of home ownership by the time you were 25. One of my milestones would be getting my children all through school. I am very proud of them. I have become a follower of your blog here and on Facebook.

  65. Gorgeous mini! My milestone is buying our first home last year!
    qtme2003 at yahoo dot ca

  66. Oh Congrats on your beautiful home!! LOVE that album! *Hugs* Alicia

  67. Sandra -- all of the adjectives used to describe your mini-albu really apply: yummy, delicious, awesome, gorgeous, and delectable! It is wonderful that you achieved your dream so early and it is a magnificent home! Congratulations!

    My milestones are education-based: college degrees for our daughter and now for our granddaughters. Education for women is soooooooooooo important! Can't wait to see your home in 10 years!!! Thanks for sharing with us!

  68. Im a new follower- I would have to say my milestone is getting off all the baby weight from baby #4... Now just working on the weight from the other 3! lol

    great album
    Come and BEE a follower on my blog
    Rebecca Minor

  70. Sandra

    This is so pretty, I love the colors!
    I have many milestones, a big one is to see my girl finish school and dont become slackers..too many of them out there already!LOL
    I am already a follower of your blog
    TFS and a chance to win
    Bonnie C

  71. Very pretty!!! Love the colors and its just so dang cute!!! Congrats on the dream house...its very pretty too! TFS

    arcocha at yahoo dot com

  72. Beautiful album. Getting my BA was my big milestone

  73. I love your mini album. The colors are great. My milestone was when we finally bought our first home at age 62. Thanks for a chance to win. Ann O.

  74. What a sweet little book for a great milestone - that is quite an achievement to own a home by the age of 25! I hate to say it but I can't think of any milestones off hand. I have been married for 23-1/2 years, we have 3 teenage children, we own our home and a rental property. I guess those could count. But a have a lot of milestones I would like to meet like losing 30 pounds, eating healthier, painting more... maybe if you do another milestone blog in a year or so I will have something new to report :)

  75. Beautiful mini album. Just wonderful. I guess my milestones in life would be giving my heart to Jesus, getting married, having two beautiful daughters who are very productive women, and helping with my 3 beautiful granddaughters.
    I'm now a follower.
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    annadowdy at gmail dot com

  76. What a cute mini album! I love all the embellishments and the vintage look to it. I'm a new home owner too, though your house looks a lot more spacious than ours :)

    spunkycrayon at yahoo dot com

  77. Precious house album. You have a great milestone to keep up. I can't say that is realistic for me as much as I would love to create everyday. Mine is to honestly do more crafts with my kids. We have reached several in my house but this is one to do weekly from now on. Thanks for the hop and all the great blogs to visit, Lisa

  78. Wow I love this I'm so into birds I love it Very pretty TFS


  79. Sandra,

    What a great milestone to commemorate!!! :) You did an AMAZING job on your mini album!!!!!!!!! I have no time online these days, & it looks like I missed a great blog hop (if I can ever make the time, I'd love to go back and look at everyone's creations!). :(

    Thank you so much for sharing,

    partridgelu at yahoo dot com


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